Okay guys, I love my limecrime velvetine lipstick so much.
But two weeks ago I see lime crime post on Instagram warning buyers that their account had been hacked and debit/credit card details had been stolen.
Now although I live in the UK I was still in panic mode and had to get my boyfriend to cancel his bank card(he bought it for my birthday) and in so glad I did as last week a girl I know who lives in Glasgow had £412 taken from her account and it could have been more if she had more money in her account.
Now I looked in to this before I heard about this girl to find out if it was affecting people in the UK and a came across a post on Reddit where it reviled Limecrime knew 5 days before alerting people this was happing and they removed a post that contained comments from customers warning people what had happened
It also pointed out that in the past they have had similar problems!
So this is a post to anyone considering buying limecrime, there are other online shops that stock it, from now on I'm going to use these and only use paypal as they were unable to take money if it was done though a payp l account.
I really wished I'd known all this stuff before I made the purchase as it cause me mass panic.