Well Chistmas was my cheat season, and I really did cheat! Chocolate is my biggest down fall, I have a major sweet tooth.
Since Christmas I've tried to get back to a healthy routine but keep having cheat days at the weekends and over indulge. With my being my birthday this weekend Iv over done it in cake and alcohol, so I've decided starting from today I'm back on a strict healthy diet with plenty of exersize! I will be doing a before and after photo to show my progress over the next couple of months:).
What I've started with today is following two things:
1: @thebodycoach, this Instagram user is a real help. A normal guy from England who give you great meal ideas that are easy to make and prep, exercises that you can do at home or the gym, and he also offes a 90day plan that it's structured just for you (I don't use this but following his Instagram is help enough I feel for me)
2: Davina 7 Minuit Fit, I know, celebrity exercise videos all seem to be the same. Davina McCall however is the most down to earth celebrity and she's very natural in her videos (she sweats and moans and struggles) but her High intensity videos are Short enough for me to have a good burn, but don't take up to much time something that always get ins in the way when I exercise as I have to travle to uni most days. I also bought the videos on YouTube and stream it through my laptop. £9.99 for all the videos or £1.89 per routine :)
Stay tuned over the next while and see how my progress goes :)